OPT domains (Oct1/PTF/Transcription), are transcriptionally active domains rich in PTF, Oct1, TBP, SP1, and RNA pol II (reviewed in Spector, 2001) . These domains are 1.0-1.5 mm in diameter and, in addition to transcription factors, they also contain nascent transcripts (Grande et al., 1997; Pombo et al., 1998) . Each mammalian nucleus contains between one to three OPT domains that appear in G1, usually in close proximity to nucleoli, only to disappear in S phase.

Although the function of these bodies is unkown, a small region on chromosome 6 (band 6p21) and chromosome 7, associate with the domain significantly more than other chromosomes (Pombo et al., 1998) . Therefore OPT domains, like

nucleoli, appear to co-ordinate the association of particular genes on specific chromosomes together in a region where the appropriate transcription and processing factors are concentrated, thereby facilitating the expression of those genes (see the Figure 1; Pombo et al., 1998) .
Fig. 1. Similarities between nucleoli and OPT domains.

A nucleolus contains several (polymerase I) transcription factories; each nucleolus can associate with rDNA genes carried on several chromosomes. The OPT domain may be an analogous region containing transcription factories rich in polymerases II and/or III, and which tends to associate with specific chromosomes. Although OPT domains often lie next to nucleoli, they never overlap them. (Adapted from Fig. 7; Pombo et al., 1998)


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Pombo A, Cuello P, Schul W, Yoon JB, Roeder RG, Cook PR, Murphy S. (1998) Regional and temporal specialization in the nucleus: a transcriptionally-active nuclear domain rich in PTF, Oct1 and PIKA antigens associates with specific chromosomes early in the cell cycle. EMBO J. 17(6):1768-1778

Spector, D.L. (2001) Nuclear domains. J. Cell Sci. 114 (16):2891-2893